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Lubomir, 2.6.2022 18:13:25
Breakthrough in production of “green cement” – results verified by industry experts SaltX Technology has previously communicated about its innovation - Electric Arc Calciner (EAC), and the successful results to produce "green quicklime”. The company is now announcing successful and verified results for electric- and climate-neutral cement production. The cement industry is one of the largest carbon dioxide emitters globally, accounting for about 7 percent of the world's total emissions. To be able to meet the global climate goals of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, the cement industry needs to shift its production to renewable energy and eliminate carbon dioxide emissions in the manufacturing process. This technology solves both challenges. The technological innovation called Electric Arc Calciner (EAC) electrifies cement production with renewable energy, and the carbon dioxide released during the manufacturing process comes out as a byproduct - ready for sequestration. This means that the process is very energy efficient compared to other technologies where the CO2 must be captured in a new separate process. Nick B Winter at WHD Microanalysis, who is one of the specialists that has analyzed the material, says: “We have examined several samples of the SaltX-produced material using scanning electron microscopy and the results are clear: SaltX has succeeded in producing clinker with the same clinker mineral characteristics as conventional clinker but using electric plasma heating instead of a traditional rotary kiln” The verified test results are a breakthrough that marks the start of the climate-neutral production of Portland cement clinker, the main ingredient in the most common type of cement and one of the world's most widely used building materials. Carl-Johan Linér, CEO of SaltX: "We are delighted to say that we have succeeded in the impossible - to make cement with electricity in an industrial process! I am very pleased with our team that has managed to achieve this. We are now moving forward quickly and planning for a robust industrial production process.” The process has been tested in SaltX 300 kW pilot plant. The company will now continue the development of the technology and optimize the process to achieve an industrial-scale and homogeneous production of Portland cement clinker. The initiative has received positive reactions from the construction industry, where "green cement" has a major impact potential on the industry’s targets to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
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