SaltX / Steinmüller Engineering signs joint development agreement with SaltX
Added: 25.10.2019 20:00:00 Views count: 698
25 October 2019
Steinmüller Engineering signs joint development agreement with SaltX As Germany has started with the ''Energiewende'', a program for the transition from fos‐ sil fuel to renewables, energy storage is becoming a key technology. SaltX Technology, listed on Nasdaq FNP, has developed and patented an energy stor‐ age system based on nano-coated salt (NCS). A test plant with a 10 MWh storage ca‐ pacity is in operation already at the Vattenfall heat and power plant in Berlin. For detailed information follow the link SaltX In order to further explore and develop the practical application of this new technology, SaltX and Steinmüller Engineering have signed a joint development agreement and plan to build a pre-commercial pilot plant in 2020. We see that the SaltX proprietary technology is a very promising addition to our own en‐ ergy storage solutions and a perfect match with concentrated solar power plants