Minesto completes a directed issue of Units – raising proceeds of SEK 60 million
Added: 28.10.2019 22:30:00 Views count: 664
28 October 2019
Minesto completes a directed issue of Units – raising proceeds of SEK 60 million – and announces subsequent rights issue of Units of SEK 86.5 million The board of directors of Minesto AB ("Minesto" or the "Company") has resolved to carry out a directed issue of 4,249,290 Units at a subscription price of SEK 14.12 per Unit (the "Directed Issue"). One Unit contains one (1) share and one (1) warrant to subscribe for shares in the Company no later than April 30, 2021. The issue of Units was subscribed for by an international institutional investor (40 MSEK) with previous experience from investing in clean tech companies as well as Midroc New Technology AB (20 MSEK). Through the Directed Issue, Minesto will receive proceeds amounting to SEK 60 million before transaction costs. In order for all shareholders to receive the same offer and maintain their relative shareholding in the Company, the board of directors of Minesto has also decided to carry out a rights issue of SEK 86.5 million of identical Units as described above. The Company's largest shareholder BGA Invest AB has undertaken to invest SEK 20 million in the rights issue. "These transactions allow us to accelerate the pace of commercialisation of our product. We secure the capital needed to realise our current public-funded projects as well as other market and product development activities. It also provides us with financial resources for the foreseeable future in order to facilitate the expansion to the first large-scale commercial farms based on Minesto's technology", said Dr Martin Edlund, CEO of Minesto.