EREVITA to offer consultancy services
Added: 29.9.2019 18:51:30 Views count: 1470
29 September 2019
Samples at the BLOG, more condensed within encrypted area and assistance around integration or market introduction ...

EREVITA expects to build on its founders diverse professional business experience and offer quality consultancy services, soon. These will focus on providing information refering to decent investment opportunities in disruptive technologies across renewable energy sector. Information samples will be available and regullary updated at EREVITA website BLOG but also, in more condense form, within EREVITA website encrypted area. At the same time, as renewable energy sector becomes quite complex and it already experiences a long list of entrants with unique product or technology, the consultancy services will provide an assistance when it comes to products or technologies integration or market introduction. We do believe, EREVITA will soon provide quite a unique industry coverage, which is still in its early stages, with aim to address individuals, regulated institutions, as well as industry participants.
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